Eggs, Bacon, and Donuts

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If there was ever a time to play it safe with a meal, it’s breakfast time. Upon waking up, the human stomach needs several hours to kick into high gear before it can handle complex foods such as hamburgers, celery, and pizza. The American breakfast ethos, however you may look at it, is here to stay; you won’t go into a Waffle House and find a turkey sandwich any time soon. No, breakfast is breakfast and will always be breakfast. But that doesn’t mean we’re stuck on the traditional breakfast menu. Mixing and matching can provide enough variety to chow down until the cows come home.

Donuts, the toroidal cousin of our friend, the bagel, can be found in morning office meetings and classrooms across the world (though some places, such as those south of the border, they may take on a different form). If you’re in a pinch, your local neighborhood donut shop is a surefire way to get some donuts on the cheap, but make sure you bring your own carton of milk, because that’s where they make their money! But for most of us, those with too much filling their days already to make another errand run to a donut-exclusive store, we’re stuck with grocery store donuts. This can be a blessing or a curse, depending on who you ask. An early morning grocery donut, fresh out of the oven, can rival the best of donut store donuts. But if you wait too long, all that remains behind those plexiglass doors is a sad stale circle. Just goes to show you, the early bird gets the worm!

Next up on the docket is the eggs and bacon, a classic combo dating back as far as the middle ages. Birds and mammals have always been at odds with each other. From a standoff between a rat and crow to a human facing off a bird of prey, the two subphylum never got along. But this bad blood doesn’t continue after death, bacon and eggs go together like a hand and a hand-shaped glove.

Eggs and bacon plus donuts put a spin on two classic breakfast dishes, merging the flavors into a never-before-seen platter of delicacies. Certainly, if you can afford to invest the requisite time, be sure to check out eggs, bacon, and donuts during your next breakfast!