Everything Peas

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It’s not everyday you get to go outside your comfort zone and experience what the world has to offer. I was lucky enough recently to find such a situation inside the confines of my own home, with these peas. The astute reader will note the similarities to Everything Beans, but these, while similar in style, take on a wildly different profile.

A life without beans is hardly a life at all. Children deprived of the heartiness of these legumes have been known to show stunted growth and deformities. Geographic areas with poor access to beans demonstrate higher rates of crime and overall dissatisfaction. These treasured fruits are the cornerstone of dishes across the world, from ful medames to 15 bean soup. But too much of any one thing is no good, not for stray dogs nor for beans. What can fill the gap? You might already be able to guess.

Enter the pea. It’s unassuming, similar in texture, but with a playful tenderness that sets it apart entirely. Peas are distinctly a vegetable, while still a legume in infancy. They have a myriad of potential uses, but to extract the base essence of pea, one must try them solo. They can be hard to wrangle, especially for beginners. Adding a small chunk of butter is a simple trick that can make even the most cantankerous peas slip into your stomach with ease. Spices can add an extra dimension, highlighting otherwise hidden notes and aspects of the peas. But so many choices! Which spice to use, where to put it, et. cetera. Why choose when you can just use everything? Here the everything bagel seasoning makes another appearance, once again proving its worth. Not only does it add a toasty nuttiness to some otherwise starchy peas, it also brings in just a hint of tang to just the right spot.

They take some time to know properly, but next time you’re shopping around, don’t skip the frozen pea section.