Blue Gatorade

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These days Gatorade comes in all shapes, colors, and sizes. I typically stick with the traditional “Thirst Quencher” line of products, which comes in dozens of flavors. There is only one that I go back to regularly, though, and that is the blue one. The G2 Gatorades are a lower calorie offering aimed at the “yoga crowd”. Personally I always equated Gatorade with a soda, and I’m not a fan of “low-calorie” sodas in principle or in practice.

Now, you can’t talk about blue Gatorade without talking about blue Powerade. While similar, the blue Powerade has a more rustic feel to it than I care for at this point in my life. But between the two it’s mostly going to come down to random personal preference. Blue Powerade wins some points in accessibility, since it is available in some soda fountain machines as you can see here in the red circle.


On hand I only have a yellow Gatorade to compare it to directly, but blue Gatorade is the clear winner. I bet you can even tell from the picture which one I prefer (hint: it’s the one that’s been opened). The yellow Gatorade flavoring is too similar to lemon-lime sodas, giving it an unsatisfactory finish. Maybe one day when they make a blue soda I will flip my opinion on blue Gatorade, but that hasn’t happened yet. In the picture below you can see them side-by-side, a refrigerated blue Gatorade next to a room temperature yellow Gatorade.


It’s not something to be downing constantly, or else you’ll be forking over your money to the dentist like there’s no tomorrow (these things are sugary!), but Gatorades are a nice refrain from water every now and then. I’d recommend consuming it over a long period of time in small, or “micro”, doses to keep the sugariness in check, but otherwise I give blue Gatorade a strong “yes.”